welcome to Carlile College


The Department of Business & Management Studies (DBMS) offers a variety of Business courses such as Business Management, Accounting, Secretarial, sales and marketing, supply chain management and many other business-related courses at Artisan, Certificate and Diploma levels which are relevant to the current job market.

The Diploma Course is divided into 3 modules (6 months each Module) and only on completion of all the 3 modules does one receive a Diploma in certification in the area of study. After each module a student receives a Transcript from KNEC for that particular module. The Craft certificate comprises of two modules 6 months each.

We partner with KNEC, KASNEB, ABE and ICM among other examining bodies to examine our courses.

We have various modes of study which include; fulltime (8am-4:30pm) Part-time (5.30pm -7.30pm) early morning (6.00am -) as well weekend lectures at the convenience of the student. We boast of qualified and experienced National Examiners.

Join us and be part of dedicated team that combines excellence with competence.

Courses in Business School

Diploma / Certificate in Human Resource Management 6 Months per module C- / D KNEC JULY / NOV APPLY
Diploma / Certificate in Business Management 6 Months per module C- / D KNEC JULY / NOV APPLY
Accounting Technicians Diploma (ATD) – Levels I-III 5 Months per level C- KASNEB JUNE/DEC APPLY
Certified Public Accountants (CPA) I-VI 5 Months per leve C+ KASNEB JULY / NOV APPLY
Certificate in Store keeping 6 Months per module D KNEC JULY / NOV APPLY
Diploma / Certificate in Human Resource Management 6 Months per module C- / D KNEC JULY / NOV APPLY
Diploma /Certificate in Secretarial Studies 6 Months per module C- / D KNEC JULY / NOV APPLY
Diploma / Certificate in Sales & Marketing Management t 6 Months per module C- / D KNEC JULY / NOV APPLY
Diploma / Certificate in Supply Chain Management 5 Months per level D+ KASNEB JULY / NOV APPLY
Artisan courses in; Storekeeping / Clerical Duties / Salesmanship 6 months Open KNEC JULY / NOV APPLY
Certificate In Accounting and Management Skills (CAMS) 5 months D+ KASNEB JUNE/DEC APPLY
Certificate In Project Management 6 months Per Module D KNEC JULY/NOV APPLY